Monday, September 29, 2008

More than Ordinary Magic

Leafing through, Poemcrazy by Susan G. Wooldridge, my eyes caught a sentence that really made me so excited that I had to blog it ASAP.

Seeing magic shows in TV and in films, we always hear Abracadabra before the magician performs a wondrous feat, what seems to be a random jumble of letters to sound exotic has significance.

Abracadabra comes from one of the languages of the Bible, Aramaic (I think Jesus spoke Aramaic). In Aramaic it is spelled as:

abraq ad habra

which literally means in English:

I will create as I speak

WOW! When I saw that I couldn't help but think of the verse on how the world was framed by the Word of God, and when God spoke things came in to being, and how through our confession we receive our salvation.

Now, Abracadabra isn't just a word that conjures up images of a bunny coming out of a hat or a magic wand, it's a powerful phrase to remind me of the truth that the words that I speak are important in building up my life.

I love learning about word etymologies, and I couldn't help but notice that the word "abraq" is similar sounding to the Spanish "obra" which in fine arts is workmanship (as obra maestra means a masterpiece ) and "habra" is similar to the Spanish word "habla" for speech/talk. Abracadabra now makes sense even in Spanish! It's with our words that we create the world that we live in.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. - Proverbs 18:21

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